GRANT Journal

European Grant Projects | Results | Research & Development | SCIENCE

GRANT Journal | Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal

CZ   English

Scientific journal

The scientific journal GRANT journal offers space for presentation of results of the primary and applied research supported by public grants and subsidies. Texts by both domestic and foreign authors in Czech, Slovak, Polish, and English languages are accepted. The journal publishes all specialized texts and studies in which the authors specify code designations and titles of the grants that helped publish the articles and relevant results.

The GRANT journal opens space for publishing results of studies and projects supported by public grants and subsidies. Texts respecting classification of branches CEP & CEZ & RIV are accepted to be published. The journal has a character of a reviewed magazine. The journal is issued in compliance with Act no. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, on Rights Connected with Copyright (the Act on Copyright).

GRANT journal
GRANT journal
GRANT journal
GRANT journal
  • publish results of your scientific work
  • make sure that your project supported by grants has sufficient publicity
  • publish research reports
  • share current outputs of your activities


Authors (both individuals and research teams) can submit specialized texts, research reports, current outputs, etc. to the journal.

Instructions for sending articles are available  here

  Archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Certificate here.

GACR in Profile

Brief Summary

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is an independent public organisation supporting basic research throughout all scientific fields from public funds. GACR is the only institution in the Czech Republic, which provides public funding exclusively for basic research projects. Since its establishment in 1993, GACR has provided financial support for both experienced as well as young and early-stage researchers on the basis of calls for proposals. GACR´s activity is regulated by Act. No. 130/2002 Coll., on Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation from public funds and amending certain related laws. GACR independently manages targeted and institutional resources allocated directly from the state budget.

More here:

The New Issue of GRANT journal

  • The current issue of the GRANT Journal is available here.

The National Technical Library in Prague allocated an international standard serial number to the GRANT Journal:

  • ISSN 1805-062X (CD verze) 
  • ISSN 1805-0638 (online)

New Issue

Grant Journal ISSN 1805-062X (CD-ROM)
Grant Journal ISSN 1805-0638 (Online)


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