GRANT Journal

European Grant Projects | Results | Research & Development | SCIENCE

GRANT Journal | Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal

CZ   English

Notice and Instructions for Authors

The GRANT Journal is a periodical that publishes original reviewed scientific works, research studies, articles regarding conferences and research projects supported by grants.

Please, contact us for closer information about your paper publishing at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . We are ready to assist you.

1. Article

The article can be written in Czech, Slovak, Polish, and English language.
The author is responsible for originality and expert and formal correctness of the article.

2. Instructions for Authors

Authors (author teams) send to the journal their articles, which must respect formal rules of text formatting.
Texts inserted in a stencil are accepted - the stencil is available here (.doc).

1. Title of article, Times New Roman, 16 points, bold
2. Name and surname of author1 (Times New Roman, 9 points, bold)
3. Name and surname of co-author2 (Times New Roman, 9 points, bold)
4. Name of author´s workplace; address; email (Times New Roman, 9 points)
5. Name of co-author´s workplace; address; email (Times New Roman, 9 points)
6. Grant: Numeric designation of the grant (Times New Roman, 9 points)
7. Title of grant: Title of the grant, intent, research, etc. (Times New Roman, 9 points)
8. Branch specialisation: Choose from the list (Times New Roman, 9 points)
9. Abstract; Times New Roman, 9 points
10. Keywords; Times New Roman, 9 points
11. First level headline; Times New Roman, 9 points, bold, capital letters
12. Second level headline; Times New Roman, 9 points, bold
13. Text of the article; Times New Roman, 9 points
14. Sources (pursuant to valid ISO standard)

3. Reviews of the article

The editorial board with international membership makes a decision on publishing or returning the article based on two reviews by members of the reviewers panel of the GRANT Journal. The reviewers are anonymous for the author. The author is notified of the decision made by the editorial board.

4. Sending articles

The author sends articles that are in the .doc format by email on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

5. Deadlines

Articles must be submitted by:
  • 30th June for the summer issue
  • 31th December for the winter issue

It is absolutely necessary to meet the deadlines that are set for submitting articles, late articles will not be included in the review proceedings.

Information and instructions for authors come into force on 1st May 2012 for the 01/01, 2012 issue.


TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE of Hradec Králové and GRANT journal

TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE of Hradec Králové and GRANT journal are partners for higher science results application.

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Grant Journal ISSN 1805-062X (CD-ROM)
Grant Journal ISSN 1805-0638 (Online)


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